Accessibility Information
Parking - There are designated ADA accessible spaces adjacent to Barnum Hall in the 6th & Olympic Boulevard Lot. Please see Directions and Maps for on-site parking.
Seating - The orchestra level seating has 18 wheelchair access locations with companion seating. When you arrive, please contact the House Manager for assistance. Due to Barnum Hall's age and historical significance, there is no elevator to the Mezzanine or Balcony seating.
Restrooms - The restrooms in the lobby are ADA accessible.
Stage - The stage is accessible by a lift from the audience seating area and an elevator from the dressing room level. Please contact the House Manager if you need access to the stage.
Service Animals - Service animals must be properly identified to be on school property. All animals, other than service animals, are not permitted on school property as per State Education Code.
Smoking and Alcohol - Smoking and alcohol are prohibited on school campus.
Contact Us
Please contact us if you have any special needs regarding your visit to Barnum Hall.
310.395.3204 x71586
Monday through Friday, 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.